Doula, (n):

A support person who works with women and families before, during and after childbirth.

Lending physical and emotional support, presence, reassurance and information.

Becoming a doula

After giving birth to my own two children, my eyes were opened to a whole new world. I had no idea of the sense of empowerment that birth could bring. I had heard the age old stories of the long, painful labours and I was determined to create a positive, calm birthing experience. I found the key to this was preparation and support.

I’m not saying I had a ‘textbook birth’ as I don’t believe there is such thing. Plans changed through-out labour and birth, yet I still felt in control and heard. This made a huge difference to the outcome.

Every mother deserves the chance to have a calm and confident birth, no matter who you are or what your birth looks like. This is why I am very passionate about what I do. I want to share all the experience and knowledge that I have gained over the years to help mothers, so that they are informed, in control and have a beautiful and positive experience. Having a positive birth experience also helps the transition into parenthood. No matter if it’s your first baby or fifth, your family dynamics will no doubt change after the birth, and starting this new chapter with the right support can make a huge difference.

Benefits of a doula

Other than the obvious reasons of having an experienced support person/mother/sister/best friend (whatever you want your doula to be for you), there have been various studies that support the assertion that there are further benefits to hiring a doula;

  • Reduced risk of Caesarean birth.

  • Reduced risk of instrumental birth.

  • Reduced need for painkillers or epidural during birth.

  • Reduced rate of induction of labour.

  • Shorter labour.

  • Helps fathers/partners participate with confidence.

  • Greater likelihood of successfully establishing breastfeeding.

Choosing a doula

With the NHS and midwives currently being so stretched, it’s more important than ever for us doulas to support our clients in the best way possible.

I believe that all families are unique, and the way in which they want to be supported can differ. This is why the family’s choices and preferences are important to me and always my main focus. Whether you plan on a hospital birth/home birth/birthing center, medicated/unmedicated, how you feed your baby, how your baby sleeps is completely up to you, and I support your choices.

I can also offer support with breastfeeding, bonding, and postnatal planning. I am a 3 Step Rewind practitioner for birth trauma resolution, I have a full driving license and DBS checked. I am also a member of Doula UK.

It is important that you choose a doula that fits your family and that you feel comfortable and safe with. I offer an initial meeting/call so you can get to know a little about me and see if I might be a good fit for you. Please feel free to get in contact if you would like to book an initial meet up.